25 July 2024


Value of the Month - Authenticity

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor,

for we are all members of one body. Ephesians 4:25


Friday 26 July

Primary NAIDOC Chapel

Friday 2 August

Grandparents Day

Wednesday 7 August

Primary Parents Morning Tea

Thursday 8 August

In Person Parent/Teacher/Student Conference

Friday 9 August

Online Parent/Teacher/Student Conference

Student Free Day

Friday 23 August

Book Week Parade

Monday 26 - Wednesday 28 August

Year 8 Camp

Thursday 29 August

LCC Production Night Performance 7.30 pm

Friday 30  August

LCC Production Night Performance 7.30 pm

Father's Day Drive Thru Breakfast 6.30 am


Welcome Back!

It was great having the students back at school last week and a joy to witness the excitement and conversations between students in the school yard. In the classrooms, students were busy getting back to their normal routine after the term break. With all hands-on deck, teachers will continue working closely with their students to do their best and to achieve individual excellence.

‘Respect’ is one of our College’s values - it is timely for me to appeal to you to partner with us to reduce the use of one-time use plastic materials for snacks and meals over recess and lunch. As a College, it is our desire to increase the students’ awareness in protecting our environment by changing our daily habits.

As students continue to embark on their exciting educational journey in 2024, I sincerely hope that we can continue building on the positive relationship between the home and College. If the student, parent and school are working closely together, the students will get the most out of their education at Lighthouse College.

Staff Movement

We are extremely thankful for God’s provision for the new staff joining the College. They are Mrs Suzette Prins (People & Culture Coordinator), Mrs Zelda Dempers (Head of Learning Support), Ms Rebekah Anthony (Learning Support Assistant) and Mr Michael Anandan (Humanities Teacher) and Douglas McDonald (Learning Support Assistant). Please make them feel welcome when you meet them in the College.

It is also with sadness that we bid farewell to Mr Soo Siong Tan (Learning Support Assistant), Mr Scott Dean (Humanities Teacher), Mrs Carron Stephens (Primary Admin Assistant) and Mr Sebastian Lim (Primary PE). These staff members have contributed to the success of the College and we are very thankful for their contributions. I pray for the Lord’s blessings to be with them wherever they may be.

Church Café

An ex-school parent and her daughter are operating a café within the Church. They are selling hot beverages and food from 8.00 am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Thursday. I have personally tried their Chai Latte and pan rolls and I would say they taste much better than those found at the nearby shopping centre.

May I encourage you to drop by the place for a cuppa after dropping off or before picking up your child from school.

This business is an independent business and not related to the College.

As this will be a busy term with many events taking place in the College, I am looking forward to meeting you in these events soon.

Wing Leong




We have zero tolerance for bullying at our school and seek to educate our students on what bullying is (and what it is not), how to prevent it and how to manage bullying situations if they do occur to them or someone they come into contact with. Learning about the power of the bystander is an important message we hope all our students learn during their education at Lighthouse. Many children and adults have mixed messages and even misunderstandings on what bullying is and what to do about it. It is our goal to educate our children from a biblical framework on how they can navigate this space and be ambassadors of heaven on earth.

In Week 5 of this term, the College will join with many other schools and organisations for National Bullying Prevention Week. We began preparing our Year 6 and 7 students early for this annual event when they attended a special ‘Understanding Bullying’ workshop presented by Bully Zero.

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Luke 6:27-28

Learn more from some of our Year 6 students who attended the workshop:

Bully Zero Workshop

“Today we had a fascinating session about bullying. We learned about what bullying was and that bullying is a behaviour.” (Victoriya)

“Today we had a session about bullying and we learned and discussed what bullying is, why they do it, what a bully is, why people don’t report it and the different types of bullying.” (Lara)

“I really enjoyed it, the clips we were shown, which were both inspiring and emotional.” (Millie)

“I definitely enjoyed the session, especially watching a video of a boy pouring out his feelings about being bullied, what happens to him and how it’s not their fault.” (Chloe)

“What I enjoyed was how he explained it enough so we could understand. I also enjoyed how he added phrases that made sense.” (Leah)

“We learned that hurting people hurt others… and tips to prevent bullying.” (Marcus)

“It was very inspirational.” (Monica)

“Now I try to understand how people feel.” (Kailey)

What bullying is

“Bullying is repeatedly abusing someone…” (Lester)

“Bullying is when someone bullies someone or a group continuously.” (Noah J)

“Bullying is bad… never do it, as it brings negativity to people who you are close to.” (Rinahya)

“The different types of bullying are: cyberbullying, physical, verbal and social.” (Ryan)

“Social bullying can cause anziety and stress to the victims.” (Richie)

“Bullying is like a game. If you give a reaction you lose. If you don’t, you win.” (Annie)


“Bullies aren’t bad people – bullying is a behaviour. It’s a choice you make between right and wrong.” (Laetitica)

“Are bullies bad people? I used to think that they were, but Kosta changed my mind…” (Rosalina)

“Bullies can be good people, but they are just hurt.” (Ethan)

“Bullies aren’t bad people. Bullies aren’t born, they are made.” (Rebekah)

“Bullies are made because something bad might have happened to their life so they maybe want to pass it to someone else but bullying is cruel and unwanted.” (Amy)

Put a stop to bullying

“We learned how to stop or control bullying.” (Michelle)

“Stand up for yourself.” (Esther)

“I learned bystanders are the most powerful people because they can make it worse for them or better.” (Jayden L)

“The bystanders have the most power as they can tell the teacher” (Chan)

“What I liked about the antibullying program was that if you had an experience with a bully … say nice things back to the bully so they would stop.” (Revin)

“If you have witnessed or have seen bullying don’t just stand there… help the person who has a bad temper…” (Zara)

“Diffuse bullying… agree with them until they leave you alone and they will probably leave.” (Ben)

“Report and stop the bully and stand up for the person being bullied, even if they think you are snitching.” (Lisa)

“A kind reaction (rather than a mad reaction)… would make the bully leave you alone.” Teresa


“Together, if we work hard, we can stop bullying altogether!” (Hilary)

“Anyone can make a difference.” (Claire)

“Bullying is able to be stopped.” (Keerth)

“Stop bullying with kind reactions.” (Joel)

“We all know bullying is a crucial subject. We take a first guess and point fingers at the bully, that they are the one with the most power over another. But although the bully does have power, the power that is held most is owned by the ‘Bystander.’ Kosta, the presenter, taught us about the position of bystander. Bystanders are the witnesses of bullying. They have two options. Help or watch. They hold the power to decide whether they should help the victim or encourage the bully to do more. Sometimes, they do nothing at all. These are examples of what some of us do when we witness bullying” (Angelyn)

Bully Zero used the analogy of the superhero called ‘HIRO’ which stands for:




Optimism” (Ashmi)

For more information on this topic and how you can support your child from home, a number of resources are available including:

For more information on this topic and how you can support your child from home, a number of resources are available including:

Karen Lloyd

Head of Student Wellbeing / Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (Primary)

I am personally accountable

I am responsible

I am respectful

I am kind



Together with the ELC teachers, the 4 Year old kindergarten students had their first visit to the LCC library. They were pleased to meet the librarian, Mrs Angela Dunkerley and looked at the range of books on the shelves. Every student was allowed to borrow a book to take home in their library bag. The students were very excited and engaged in this new learning curriculum positively.


On 26 June the Year 2 students had an incredible adventure at Scienceworks Melbourne! They raced and explored sports science at Sportsworks and imagined the future in the Think Ahead exhibition. They explored various hands-on exhibits covering light, snowstorm making, sounds, food, housing and electricity. They also joined the Blast Off show, learning about rocket propulsion, Newtonian physics, life in space, and how to think like scientists while solving problems. What a fantastic day of fun and learning!

Mrs Rene Marshall

Primary Teacher


3 - 6


The Year 5 students had an incredible time at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort! They enjoyed a variety of exciting activities, including the exhilarating giant swing, soaring through the air on the flying fox, and tackling the thrilling ride of the pedal racers. A highlight of the trip was witnessing the enchanting Penguin Parade, where they watched the little penguins return to shore at dusk. The adventure not only fostered a sense of community but also helped the students develop confidence and new skills.

Shaila Nagel

Primary Teacher


Year 7 Chinese Museum Excursion

The Chinese cultural understanding is a key element in the Year 7 LOTE Mandarin curriculum. The Chinese Museum excursion created a great opportunity to help students reinforce their knowledge of Chinese culture in Australia by exploring the precinct’s culture, architecture, and cuisine through the Chinatown Tour. The Kungfu workshop helped students to understand the Chinese culture behind the physical movements.

Ms Tang

LOTE Mandarin Faculty Leader

Year 10 Health and Personal Development – First Aid Course

On Friday 21 June, the Year 10 students underwent some potentially life saving training by participating in a full day first aid course. This was held by Virginia, Fran and Chris from the First Aide Management and Training Centre. Lighthouse Christian College would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their professionalism.

This external provider has a high reputation and is a registered training organisation (RTO). Therefore, the certification gained by the students is accredited which means it is registered with the Australian Government and recorded against the student’s unique student identifier (USI) number. Having a first aide qualification not only is a useful life skill but advantageous to appear on a person’s resume.

Tricia Stone

Year 10 HPD


Welcome to term 3! We hope that each and everyone of you had a restful break and you are feeling ready and energised coming back to Lighthouse for Semester Two. The Year 12’s only have just over one term left before we start our final exams in late October. On behalf of the leadership team, we can say that time has gone by so fast!

As of right now we’ve been focusing on the time we have left here at Lighthouse, and how we can make the most of it. Coming into this year we both hoped we would be able to foster a more united community at Lighthouse.

This term we have started a Year 3 and Year 12 Buddy Program, established with the goal of helping the Primary get to know more about High School and the experiences that await them. We also hope this provides a pathway for the Year 12’s to connect more with the Primary as they reflect on the time when they were just as young, yet still excited for the place they are in now and where they are going in the future!

We also plan on running Operation Christmas Child, a project that will help us count our blessings here at Lighthouse and give students the opportunity to share them with those less fortunate. Let us all come together with generous hearts as we give back to the community. Besides all this ,we are both a part of this year’s production, something we are very excited about. If you can please be sure to come watch it , it'll be loads of fun with amazing singing from Monique, Brandon is there too!! (dates will be sent soon, it's all in week 7 of this term).

The thought of finishing school brings up many emotions. Feelings of joy, sadness and thankfulness. Gratefulness for friends, teachers, memories and simply the fact that we were both able to be provided with such a blessed education at Lighthouse. As we leave, we hope that our leadership has impacted you in some way. We hope that you have felt seen by us, and felt as inspired as we have by you. The couple of months we've shared has been a joy as we've met and interacted with many of you across the school and for that we are truly thankful. We hope to continue this for the rest of the term and if you see us around, be sure to say Hi!!

Wishing you all a blessed term,

Monique and Brandon


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